Last updated
4 June 2024

We appreciate you using SongSphere to play. This Privacy Policy explains to you how we gather, utilize, and share the information we get from you when you play.

Data That We Do Not Gather

When you use our mobile application, we don’t get any personal information from you or any other kind of data.

How Your Information Is Used by Us

We don’t utilize any information because we don’t gather any from you.

Transmission of Your Data

We don’t give any information to any third parties because we don’t gather any information from you.

Policy for Data Retention

Since we don’t gather any information, we don’t keep any records about you.

Updates Regarding Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to periodically alter our privacy statement. As a result, it is recommended that you check this page for updates on a regular basis. Any updates will be posted on this page, where you may find the updated Privacy Policy. As soon as these modifications are published on this website, they become operative.

Third parties

We use Apple Music inside SongSphere, for more information on how Apple Music treats your data visit

Get in Touch

Please contact us, at , if you have any queries or recommendations on our privacy statement.