

Version 0.9.6


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that may cause a crash when showing the leaderboard

Version 0.9.5

Welcome in this new SongSphere update!

What’s New

  • New Leaderboard animation
  • Improved search bar responsiveness when searching a playlist

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a visual glitch for the players when loading the playlist artwork
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t display the playlists correctly for the host

Version 0.9.4

In this update we improved SongSphere even more!

What’s New

  • Added new onboarding screen
  • Changed game mode selection screen

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that causes the playlists to not load when launching the app for the first time

Version 0.9.2

In this SongSphere update we improved the overall quality of life and fixed some bugs.

What’s New

  • New App Icon
  • Added Italian localisation
  • Showing a warning when the host’s device is muted
  • The last nickname typed will now be saved without having to type it everytime

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that when the user didn’t grant the permission to browse the local network, the view wouldn’t update accordingly
  • Fixed a bug where the rings on the sphere weren’t showing correctly
  • Fixed the top 3 ranking screen, and removed it when playing alone

Version 0.9.1

In this SongSphere update we addressed an annoying bug that disconnects players when the host selects a playlist

Stay tuned for more!.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that disconnects the players when the host selects a playlist

Initial Release

Version 0.9.0

We always listen to your feedback so we added: A New Playlist selection screen with recommendations, Now you can see how many points you scored alongside the correct answer and we also fixed some annoying bugs and improved the overall UI

What’s New

  • New Playlist selection view
  • Showing Points alongside correct answer
  • improved overall UI consistency

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed top3 ranking visual glitch
  • various fixes